Teaching scripture to toddlers and preschoolers is a skill I want to develop with my 3 boys. I know that learning scripture and storing it in their heart now, is going to help them as they get older.
In my own life, God has brought bible verses, hymns, and lessons I learned as a child back to me as an adult. The holy spirit has used those to develop a deeper faith and a better understanding of who God is and who I am in relation to him.
Table of Contents
Scripture Cards for Toddlers

Our preschooler has been struggling with lying over the past couple of months. We’ve disciplined him each time he lies, but nothing was really getting through to his heart. He would apologize, but a second later he would totally forget.
Part of the struggle is his age and not being able to grasp the full concept of lying. So we pulled out the Big Thoughts for Little People: ABC’s to Help You Grow book. Each letter of the alphabet has a biblical lesson with questions and a bible verse related to the topic.
We prayed asking God to help him understand that he needs to tell the truth. The lesson stuck for him. For the past week he has been talking about how we don’t lie and that lying is not telling the truth. He’s even told me when he wants to lie, but that he knows he has to tell the truth.
I don’t know if you’re like me, but with my first 2 I was all in on craft projects, bible lessons, praying, reading every night. I mean we did ALL. THE. THINGS. And the poor third baby comes along and the older 2 are doing way more stuff. I kind of have forgotten to do ALL. THE. THINGS. with baby.
I know you’re thinking I should win Mother of the Month, right?!
It’s not that we don’t do any of the praying, or Bible reading with our youngest. But I’ve definitely not been as consistent with him as the older 2.
So I decided to make some cute printable scripture cards for toddlers and preschoolers. Something that was gender neutral and that would be special for my preschool boy.
Printable Bible Verses for Toddlers
These verses are simple truths from the Bible to teach to toddlers and preschoolers.
To be honest though, they are really good for me too! Sometimes I have serious brain fog and memorizing a chunk of scripture just isn’t going to happen. And sometimes, I realize that my faith is still like a preschooler and God meets me there with these simple Bible verses for my kids.
Cute Printable Bible Verse Memory Cards for Kids
Download these cute free printable scripture cards pdf by clicking the button below.
You will receive an instant download of 5 sheets of scriptures including 30 bible verses!
I printed these bible verse cards on card stock so that they could hold up to little hands grabbing, bending, and taking them where ever they go!
We plan on reading one card at bedtime each night. Maybe choosing one to read for the week, and then starting back at the beginning. Please let me know how you plan on using these cards with your toddler or preschooler! You can share using #originalmom on Instagram or in the comments below.
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