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Stay on track with this free printable 75 Hard Printable Calendar! Ready to get started on the 75 Hard Challenge? This free printable daily habit tracker covers the 5 new habits you will be tracking during the challenge!

Over the next 75 days you are going to stick to a fitness program, diet plan, drink so much water, and make big changes both physically and mentally. At the end of the day, the thing that will make the biggest difference in this challenge is you. Watching your progress through your daily habit tracker will be motivation you need to reach the end!

75 Hard Printable Calendar

I’ve created 2 versions of this 75 Hard Printable Calendar. Each version covers 75 straight days, so you can start the 75 Hard Challenge at any time during the year. It’s helpful to note that 75 days is roughly 11 weeks or about 3 months.

You can download the free pdf file by clicking the purple link below each image. These digital files are PDFs and will need to be opened with Adobe Reader. I recommend that you download the file to your computer and then print for the best results.

Print on card stock paper and place the calendar where you can have a visual for keeping you on track!

The first version is a vertical 75 Hard Printable Calendar.

75 Hard Calendar Vertical Printable PDF

The second version is a horizontal 75 Hard Printable Calendar.

75 Hard Calendar Horizontal Printable PDF

75 Hard Challenge Rules

The 75 Hard Challenge is about creating good habits for 75 days. These include daily tasks that will help you achieve mental strength through personal development. 75 Hard has a set of rules for you to follow during the challenge. These rules are really more of daily habits for you to use to establish personal growth and increase your level of discipline.

What are the 6 rules of 75 Hard?

  • Pick a diet to follow with no cheat meals or alcohol. The diet can be anything you choose to meet your goals. Count calories, count macros, Low carb, Keto, etc. Whatever you choose for your diet, you have to stick to it for 75 days. No cheat meals, no alcohol! I actually think this is a great approach, because it really made me stop and think about choosing a diet that I could stick with versus trying to lose weight fast. I know I can’t stick to a 1500 calorie diet for longer than a week! Consistency has been linked to success when it comes to fitness and weight loss. So make sure you choose a diet that allows you to be consistent for 75 days.
  • Drink a gallon of water daily. Drinking a gallon of water daily is really hard to do! Get started early and drink your water all through out the day to stay on track. I think this is one of the most difficult parts of this challenge!
  • Complete 2 daily workouts. 2 45-minute workouts each day. One workout should be outside no matter the conditions. The point of this is that things will come up that you have to tackle, so you find a way to get it done.
  • Read 10 pages per day of a non-fiction book. The goal for this rule is for personal growth. Pick an area that you want to develop and strengthen in your life. Find a personal-development book that helps you reach those goals and get a physical copy to read. I really do love the idea of turning off screens and reading a real book.
  • Take progress photos daily. Seeing your progress over time helps you to recognize how far you’ve come. You can even see your expression change and your confidence grow in each progress picture as you stick with the daily routines.
  • If you skip a day, you must start over. The thing about growth is that it is hard and it takes time. There will be moments of weakness when you want to give in and give up, but the growth comes from powering through these days.

Do you take rest days on 75 Hard?

No, you do not take rest days on the 75 Hard Challenge. Remember, the goal for 75 Hard is creating new healthy habits that will make a positive impact on your physical and mental health. Your exercise sessions can include active rest activities such as walking, yoga, stretching or other Low Intensity Steady State cardio.

Is the 75 Hard Challenge worth it?

75 Hard Challenge could be a great way for someone who is ready to get focused on mental toughness. This is not a weight loss program, but rather a transformative mental toughness program designed to push you to follow through with commitments. Depending on your fitness level you can choose an exercise program that is right for you.

It is always recommended that you check with your health care provider before starting new exercise routines.

How can I make 75 Hard easier?

75 Hard is an intense challenge and it’s designed to focus on basic things like healthy eating, better habits, moving your body, and mental health. Just because it’s simplistic in habits, doesn’t mean this is an easy challenge. The real difficulty is becoming consistent. 75 Hard is a simple way for you to increase your ability to be consistent in life, to show up for yourself, and to make real change.

The best way to make 75 Hard easier is to be prepared for the journey you are about to take. Here are a few ways you can make 75 Hard easier!

  • Use a visual habit tracker. Keep on track with all your tasks by checking them off on a daily habit tracker. Having a visual is super helpful when working towards a big challenge like this! You can see what needs to be done and when it’s in front of you it becomes your focus.
  • Plan when to start 75 Hard. For the next 75 days, you will be eating healthy, exercising, and focusing on your goals. There will always be birthdays, weddings, and celebrations that can hold you back. But get out your calendar and really think about the best time for you to choose to start 75 Hard. Prepare yourself ahead of time to say no to alcohol, cakes, and cheat meals.
  • Find an accountability partner. Check in with someone who is doing the challenge with you! You are more likely to show up if you know someone is going to ask you about your goals for the day. It’s also great to have a partner to workout with during the challenge.
  • Start your day on track. I know for myself that working out in the morning is the best time for me to make sure it gets done. I also struggle with drinking enough water, so I start my day with a 32 ounce water. Waiting until the last minute means that it’s probably not going to get done and it’s not a priority for me.
  • Plan your meals. Be prepared so that you aren’t tempted to snack on chips or junk food through out the day. Always have healthy snacks ready and quick dinners that can be made in 30 minutes or less. Life is busy and being prepared with your meals will help you stay on track.
  • Journal It’s a good idea to write down how you feel about the process, changes that you are noticing good and bad, what are you learning, etc. This is so valuable to have when you are feeling down or struggling to stay with the challenge. You can go back through your journal and remember where you started and how far you’ve come from the first day.

75 Hard is a great start to a healthy lifestyle. You can create real discipline that will effect every area of your life and set you up for success. The physical changes will be visible, but the mental toughness that 75 hard creates will have a lasting impact that will help you overcome obstacles in the future! Good luck!

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